Franciscan College Gormanston

Letter to Parents/Guardians-update on activities & events


Dear Parents / Guardians,

Trust you are all keeping well.

Please find an update on activities and events in the lead up to the midterm break which begins for students from Thursday afternoon, 26th October 2023. Friday 27th October 2023 is closed for students as all staff are attending a whole school Junior Cycle CPD day. School resumes for all students on Monday 6th November 2023.

Parents Association

Please be advised the AGM of the Parents Association is due to take place on Tuesday evening, 17th October at 6.30pm. The meeting will be held remotely. The zoom link for the meeting is available by contacting the school directly. All are welcome to attend.

Junior Certificate Results 2023

For the 3rd year class of 2023, the Junior Certificate results will be published on Wednesday 18th October. No more formal communication has been received from the DES. As soon as it arrives, we will let you know. We expect that results will be available through the school; however, candidates will also be able to access results online.

Code of Behaviour

The updated Code of Behaviour was already communicated to you last week. The main thread of this updated policy included changes and alterations to our school approach to both uniform and punctuality as well as a renewed focus on positive behaviour and attitude. Our VS Ware platform is being used to reward students across a range of areas. We believe that this approach, a “praise led” system where students can receive points for their positive behaviour, contribution to their own learning and commitment to the school community will be very beneficial in the long term. I also want to thank and congratulate the vast majority of students, who attend regularly and on time, who are smartly dressed and who bring the best version of themselves every single day. We can’t ask for much more. Well done!!

I do invite any parents who wish to comment on aspects of the Code of Behaviour to do so.

Expected Standards of Behaviour

  • Being Respectful
  • Learning
  • Good attendance & Punctuality
  • Wearing correct uniform
  • Good organisation
  • Completion of homework
  • Following instruction
  • Completion of classwork and subject assignments
  • Sitting in the assigned seat
  • Having a positive attitude /Tolerant
  • All our relationships with each other are characterised by kindness, respect &honesty.
  • We work to reach our full potential

Parent Teacher Meeting

3rd year PTM scheduled for Wednesday 25th October between 3.30pm and 6pm. Venue is the social area upstairs

Halloween Fun Run

Wednesday 25th October is also the day of the Halloween Fun Run. It will be a non-uniform day with prizes for scariest and best costumes! The run itself will take place last class of the day (weather permitting). €2 euro entry with all proceeds going to the Irish Cancer Society.

Bake Sale

Parents Association will be holding a bake sale on Wednesday 25th October at lunchtime. This is to coincide with the Halloween Fun Run and to add to monies raised for the Irish Cancer Society.

Christmas Raffle

Keep an eye out for a letter coming your way from the Parents Association with details of our Christmas Raffle. Which will take place nearer the time. Great prizes on offer!


Most sport has now recommenced. Soccer, Girls GAA, GAA, and rugby. Great participation by many students. The library is proving to be a great resource with chess at lunchtime proving as popular as ever! This week we are running our DEAR week (Drope Everything and Read!) Next week is Maths week with prizes and activities on offer. 1st year students will be engaged with a Well Being challenge next Friday afternoon, 20th October 2023. Yesterday was a whole school assembly focusing on the above. I set the school community two Maths challenges. Puzzles to solve with points and prizes on offer. Mr Dunne, Deputy Principal is collating the results. Here are two teasers for you:

What is the smallest whole number that is equal to seven times the sum of its digits?

I have a box of coins. If I arrange the coins in groups of two, there is one single coin left over. If I arrange the coins in groups of three, five, or six, there is also just one single coin left over. But if I arrange the coins in groups of seven, there are no coins left over. What is the fewest number of coins I could have?

Answers through your children to Mr Dunne only please!!


The school, like every other will have some staff taking specialist leave from later this school year. We have already advertised for replacement teachers but will face the exact same teacher recruitment challenges experienced by most other schools nationwide and which you will be all too familiar with through the media. Some subjects are almost impossible to recruit for.


I mentioned last year Danny McGrath’s achievements for Ireland at the European Championships last summer. Danny is a 6th year student. I also wanted to bring two other students to your attention. One who wishes to remain anonymous but is representing Ireland on the international stage in the sport of archery. The other, a 3rd year student Gimauro Bazarchin de Oliveira is a World Champion at U 16 level in Latin dancing. What an achievement for both students! I am sure there are many more talented students who may be reluctant to reveal themselves in their chosen discipline or sport. Indeed, I have had champion Gormanston chess players offering to teach me become a better player. Only too delighted to be shown how to improve!

As I said earlier, all we can ask is that members of our school community bring the best version of themselves each day. Do your best and you won’t go far wrong!

Thank you for your continued support.

Dermot Lavin


Franciscan College Gormanston

Feb 14
Mid Term Break
Feb 24
School Reopens-Class for all (except 4th Year)
Feb 24
4th Year Work Experience (2 Weeks)
Feb 26
4th & 5th Year Parent/Teacher Meeting
Gormanston, Co. Meath, Ireland, K32NH30
0353 184 12203
© 2025 Franciscan College Gormanston