Franciscan College Gormanston

Letter to Parents/Guardians re: Seachtain na Gaeilge (Irish Language Week)


Dear Parents/Guardians

Next week is seachtain na gaeilge (Irish language week) which is timed to coincide with the St. Patrick’s day celebrations. The Irish department in the College will be running a number of event to mark this. As you may be aware we have a strong Green Schools committee, very much lead by the students themselves, actively working within the College.

• On next Thursday, 16/03/2023, there will be a non-uniform day which will combine a Green Schools initiative with seachtain na gaeilge, and will be styled ‘Go Green for Green Schools’. Students are permitted to come to school on that day in non-uniform and ask asked to wear a green coloured item of clothing. It is not a fancy dress day! There will be a €2 donation requested from students internet safety who chose to come in in non-uniform. The money raised is to be but towards Green School’s projects.

• We have arranged for talks on internet safety to be given by An Garda to our Junior Year Groups next week.

• Our Boys Under 19 Soccer team have a Semi-Final match on Wednesday next, 15/03/2023 and we wish them the very best of luck.

• The Parents Association plan to hold a Easter themed cake sale on the last day of term before the Easter break. 31/03/2023, contributions would be most welcome and very much appreciated.

Mr Vincent Dunne
Acting Principal

Gormanston, Co. Meath, Ireland, K32NH30
0353 184 12203
© 2024 Franciscan College Gormanston