Franciscan College Gormanston

Return to School 2023


Dear Parent / Guardian:

A warm welcome to all of you as we embark once again on a new school year! As a school we will continue to do all we can to ensure your child’s progress this year is positive. Please do contact us directly if you have any concerns or issues you wish to discuss.

I want to communicate with you some amendments to our school Code of Behaviour. These amendments have been comprehensively discussed by school staff before the formal commencement of this school term.

This draft policy is available on our school website and will be circulated to the Parents Association for their consideration this term. The Student Council will also be invited to examine theses changes with their views and opinions along with those of parents to be considered.

The policy is extensive however, the main changes are highlighted in green so please take the opportunity to read these carefully. The policy includes the following statement. While a signed undertaking (email will suffice) by a parent is preferable the school authority must assume you are agreeable to the policy and will work in cooperation with the school authorities regarding behaviour, commitment to work and uniform regulations.

Acceptance of the Code of Behaviour:

It is a condition of enrolment as a student in Franciscan College Gormanston that the student and their parents/guardians accept all aspects of the school’s Code of Behaviour. Student and their parents/guardians are required to sign an undertaking to this effect at the start of each academic year. Notwithstanding this point, it is assumed that enrolment at this school by the parent / guardian confirms their full and absolute acceptance of this Code of Behaviour.

The main changes are:

  1. The VS Ware platform will be used to promote positive behaviour and to record the achievement of students.

An example on VS Ware is shown below. We will start each student with 100 points at the commencement of this school year. There will be positive and negative categories:



Charity work

No homework

Good citizenship

No equipment



Positive role model in class

Good and excellent classwork, project work or homework




Students can receive points for their positive behaviour, contribution to their own learning and commitment to the school community.

Students receive points under each heading or multiple headings. This increases their points total. Similarly, students have 1 point deducted if they receive a negative report under one or more of the above three negative headings.

A formal letter of acknowledgement will issue to students at the end of the school year who earn exceptionally high scores on the VS Ware positive behaviour system. Depending on the total these will be categorised as “Bronze”, “Silver” or “Gold”.

  1. Mobile phones are not permitted to be used within the confines of the school building and grounds at all times of the school day including breaktime and lunchtime.

  1. Shoes should be predominantly black. They should be appropriate for school. Students will be asked to go home and change and once in the correct uniform can return to class. Students must conform to the uniform code when attending school.

4 )Punctuality: This year we will be introducing a detention for students who are not punctual to class. Detention will take place on a specific school afternoon between 3pm and 3.40 pm.

A student will receive a detention if they have been late for any 5 periods. If a student receives a detention for being late 5 times, they will receive another detention for every 3 late periods thereafter. Mr. Mc Manus (School Attendance Coordinator) will let parents know through email where a detention for punctuality has been given.

If there is a valid reason for being late, please write a short note in the student journal or email Mr. Mc Manus at A note explaining lateness must be received on the day and can not be sent in retrospectively. If a student arrives at school after 9.25am they must report into the office.

As I stated earlier, we very much value the opinion of parents and students as we navigate the changes to our school Code of Behaviour. Our focus is firmly on the positive achievement and progress of our students.

I look forward to working collaboratively with you throughout this school year.

Best wishes,

Dermot Lavin


Franciscan College Gormanston

28th August 2023

Sep 20
Higher Options
Sep 24
Parents Association AGM
Sep 30
School Closed
Oct 07
Gormanston, Co. Meath, Ireland, K32NH30
0353 184 12203
© 2024 Franciscan College Gormanston